The uncertainty that accompanies a criminal charge can be difficult to handle. For many clients, the more knowledge they have of the North Carolina legal system and the potential outcomes can help give them the confidence they need to fight their charges. Here, our lawyers share helpful library articles that aid you in becoming an informed and empowered defendant.
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What Are The Punishments For Giving or Selling Alcohol to Minors in Charlotte, North Carolina?Learn the consequences for buying or helping an undercharge person obtain alcohol in North Carolina. Contact Browning & Long Law if you've been charged.
Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana and Drug Paraphernalia Laws in North CarolinaBeing charged with a misdemeanor drug crime can be a frightening experience, but is more common than you may think. Call today to discuss your options.
Open Container Offenses in Charlotte, North CarolinaIf you are convicted of an open container violation in Charlotte, North Carolina your license could be revoked. Contact Browning & Long, PLLC at 980-207-3355
Boating While Impaired in North Carolina: Know The ConsequencesBoating While Impaired (BWI), often referred to as Boating Under the Influence (BUI), shares similarities and differences with Driving While Impaired (DWI).