The Penalties for a Keeping and Maintaining a Dwelling Conviction

Such as with a conviction of other crimes in North Carolina, your sentence will be based on how many prior convictions you have, as well as the sentencing range for the crime of keeping or maintaining a dwelling or vehicle. You could be facing the following sentences:

  • Misdemeanor conviction. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor and the sentence can include up to 120 days in jail. It can also include other alternative punishments such as house arrest, entering a drug treatment program, probation, and a fine set by the judge.
  • Felony conviction. This crime is a Class I felony—the least serious felony in North Carolina. The penalties can include 3 to 12 months in prison or an alternative punishment similar to those of a misdemeanor conviction.

How can you tell whether you are being charged with a misdemeanor or felony? In North Carolina, arrest records include a court code and description that tells the accused this type of information. Here are the codes for misdemeanor and felony keeping or maintaining a vehicle or dwelling charges:

  • Misdemeanor. Offense Code 9966, Code Type M (Misdemeanor). Description: MAINTN VEH/DWELL/PLACE CS (M).
  • Felony. Offense Code 9968, Code Type F (Felony). Description: MAINTN VEH/DWELL/PLACE CS (F).

How Felony Sentencing Works


Howard W. Long, II
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer