What PWISD Cocaine Charges Could You Face?
Possession with the intent to sell and distribute cocaine is a much more serious charge. You can be charged with this crime if you knowingly possess cocaine with the intent to sell or deliver it. PWISD is a Class H felony. In order to be found guilty of PWISD Cocaine the State of North Carolina has to prove that you possessed cocaine with the intent to sell or deliver it to someone else. The State of North Carolina will say that you intend to sell cocaine or deliver cocaine if you possess more than a single dose of cocaine or, if in addition to being found with cocaine, you were also found with items that are associated with the sale and delivery of cocaine such as baggies, scales, and other drug paraphernalia. If you are convicted of a Class H felony, you face up to 39 months in jail for your first offense and significant monetary fines.
Penalities for Trafficking Cocaine
If you were found in possession of large amounts of cocaine, 28 or more grams, you could be charged with Trafficking Cocaine an even more serious felony. Examples of the penalties you could face if charged with Trafficking Cocaine include:
- For a Class G felony conviction involving 28 to 200 grams of cocaine, you could be sentenced to 51 months in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
- If you are convicted of a Class F felony for the possession, sale or distribution of 200 to 400 grams of cocaine, you could be sentenced to 93 months in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.
- You could be convicted of a Class D felony if there was 400 or more grams of cocaine. The prison sentence is from 175 to 222 months, and the fine can be up to $250,000.
Lastly, you can be charged and sentenced differently for selling cocaine to a minor, selling cocaine within 300 feet of a school and possessing cocaine at a prison or jail.
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