Were Any Field Sobriety Tests Administered? 

The horizontal gaze nystagmus, walk-and-turn, or one-leg stand are field sobriety tests commonly used by law enforcement to assess a driver's impairment level. The police often use the test results to establish probable cause in DWI cases.  

Your attorney will inquire about whether these tests were performed, how they were administered, and how you performed them. Your answers will help them determine whether there are grounds to challenge the field sobriety test results.  

There could be a number of reasons to argue that the field sobriety test results are inaccurate. If a challenge is successful, the judge could find that there was no probable cause to arrest you or to perform a breath or blood test. Below are some common reasons to challenge field sobriety tests. 


Some studies have raised questions about the reliability of field sobriety tests based on the data. If your lawyer decides to use this as a challenge to your test results, they may need to hire an expert witness to testify. 

Failure to Properly Administer the Test

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed specific guidelines for administering field sobriety tests. Unfortunately, law enforcement officials do not always follow the proper procedures when conducting these tests. If this was true when you were stopped, your lawyer may argue that the test results are inaccurate. 

Lack of Experience Administering the Test

Another way your attorney might challenge your field sobriety test results is to show that the police officer's lack of experience and training caused them to administer the tests improperly. 

Medical Conditions Interfered With Test Results

If you suffer from a medical condition that made it difficult for you to perform the field sobriety tests, your lawyer can use this information to challenge the accuracy of the test results. 

Did the Police Wait 15 Minutes Before Administering a Breathalyzer Test? 

In North Carolina, police officers are required to observe a suspect for 15 minutes before administering a breathalyzer test. Waiting to administer the test ensures that the person did not drink any liquids, regurgitate, vomit, eat, or smoke.  

Your attorney will ask if this waiting period was observed. If the police did not comply with this requirement, which is common, it could have impacted the validity of the test results. 

What Was the Result of Your BAC Test, and How Was It Administered?  

If you underwent a breathalyzer or blood test to calculate your blood alcohol content (BAC), your attorney will need to know the result. They will also want you to explain precisely how the test was administered. This information is crucial in assessing whether there are grounds to challenge the breathalyzer or blood test results. 

There are many defenses your attorney may use to challenge your BAC test result. A strong defense could result in the charges being dismissed or reduced to a less severe offense through a plea bargain. For example, here are a few arguments your lawyer could raise to get your breathalyzer test results suppressed. 

Failure to Notify You of Your Rights 

Before administering a breathalyzer test, the police officer was required to advise you of your rights in writing and orally. This includes informing you that you gave implied consent to submit to a breathalyzer test after your DWI arrest and that you could be charged with a separate offense if you refuse to take the test. 

Improper Administrator of the Test

Under North Carolina law, a licensed chemical analyst must administer the breathalyzer test for it to be admissible in court. If the individual who conducted your test did not have a valid permit, the prosecutor cannot use the test results to convict you. 

Failure to Follow Proper Procedures

Law enforcement officials must follow specific operational procedures when administering your breathalyzer test. Common violations of these procedures include not waiting 15 minutes before performing the test and not taking two consecutive test samples. 

Did the Police Inform You of Your Miranda Rights?  

Miranda rights protect individuals from making self-incriminating statements during police interrogations. Your attorney will ask if the police informed you of your Miranda rights before questioning you. Failure to advise you of these constitutional rights when required may affect the admissibility of certain statements you made or other evidence in court.

Howard W. Long, II
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer