Evidence That Could Be Used Against You
The prosecutor must prove their case against you beyond a reasonable doubt—which is a high standard that they cannot always meet. Here are the types of evidence they could use to try to convict you.
Physical Evidence
If the police find physical evidence of intoxication when they pull you over, they may be able to use it against you. Open containers of alcohol, drugs, and weapons are some types of physical evidence that may be collected and used in your case.
Your Driving Behavior and Appearance
The police officer and other witnesses, if there are any, could testify about how your driving suggested that you were intoxicated. Driving behaviors that are associated with drunk driving include:
- Speeding
- Weaving between lanes
- Running red lights
- Driving on the shoulder
The officer who stopped you could also testify about how their observations, such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of alcohol, led them to believe you were intoxicated.
Field Sobriety Test Results
The three standardized field sobriety tests that law enforcement use in Charlotte are the horizonal gaze nystagmus (HGN), one leg stand (OLS), and walk and turn (WAT). If the officer asked you to perform these tests and you agreed, they could be used against you.
Your Chemical Test Results
When you are arrested for DWI, you are required to submit to chemical testing to determine the amount of alcohol in your system. The results of a breath or blood test could be used to prove your BAC. This may be the strongest piece of evidence that the prosecutor has against you, but you may be able to challenge the test results.
Your Statements
Any incriminating statements you made to the police may be used against you. That is why it is so important to exercise your constitutional right to remain silent.
Video Footage
Law enforcement often video records what happens when they pull people over for DWI or a traffic violation. The police officer who arrested you could have recorded what occurred during your stop and arrest. The video recording may show your appearance, how well you performed the field sobriety tests, and the statements you made to the police.
An officer’s dashcam recording is often admissible in court. The prosecutor could use it to corroborate the police officer’s testimony.
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