One Leg Stand (OLS)
The One Leg Stand (OLS) test has you try to keep your balance while standing on one leg for a period of 30 seconds. Like the other standardized field sobrity tests, the OLS begins with an instruction phase. Here, the officer will provide you with the following instructions:
- Stand straight with your feet together, arms by your side, and remain in that position until you are told to begin the test.
- When you are instructed to begin, stand on the leg of your choice, raise one foot six inches off the ground with your toes pointed forward, both legs straight, and the raised foot parallel to the ground and look at your foot and count out loud until you are told to stop.
- Do you understand the instructions?
The officer evaluating your performance on the OLS is trained to look for the following four clues:
- Using the arms for balance (6 inches or more)
- Swaying
- Hopping
- Putting the foot down before the 30 seconds is up
While not considered validated indicators of impairment, the evaluating officer will also make a note of other clues that the State will argue demonstrates drunk driving, such as not counting out loud, not looking down at feet, and raising arms, but less than 6 inches.
Walk and Turn (WAT)
The WAT makes you attempt to walk a straight line. Before beginning the WAT, you will be provided an extensive list of instructions, including:
- Place your left foot on the line and your right foot in front of the left with the right heel against the left toe. Keep your arms by your sides and remain in the position until told to begin.
- When you are instructed to begin, walk nine heel to toe steps down the line. On the ninth step, keep your front foot on the line and take small steps to turn around.Walk nine heel to toe steps back. Count each step out loud and watch your feet. One you start the test, do not stop the test until it is completed.
- Do you understand the instructions?
Officers conducting the WAT are trained to look for eight clues during this test, two during the instruction phase and six during the performance phase. During the instruction phase, an officer looks to see whether you:
- Start the test too soon
- Lose your balance
Throughout the performance phase, the officer marks a clue if you:
- Stop walking
- Miss heel to toe (by more than ½ inch)
- Step off the line
- Use your arms for balance (6 inches or more)
- Take the wrong number of steps
- Make an improper turn
Even where you demonstrate the same clue more than once, the officer investigating the DUI should only count that clue one time. Additionally, while not considered clues, the officer will make note of other observations that the State will argue are indicators of impairment, such as not counting out loud, swaying, not looking down at your feet, and raising arms not more than six inches.
Other Field Sobriety Tests Used in DWI Investigations
In addition to SFSTs, there are other field sobriety tests an officer may ask you to perform. These tests are not standardized, have not been validated by NHTSA or any other credible agency, and are not required to be performed in a uniform manner.
- Vertical Gaze Nystagmus (VGN)
- Romberg Balance Test
- Finger-to-Nose Test
- Finger-Count Test
- Hand Pat Test
- ABC Test
- Numbers Backward Test
You Can Refuse to Perform Field Sobriety Tests
When an officer stops you for DUI, they will likely make you think you have perform these SFSTs; the truth is that you don't. You can refuse to perform field sobriety tests and you probably should. While classified by some as "standardized", SFSTs are still slanted in favor of law enforcement. Considering the hectic and confusing conditions you face while being investigated for DWI, it would be difficult for a completely sober person to pass these tests - if there is even a way to actually "pass".
In North Carolina there are no driver's license implications for refusing to perform these tests. By refusing, you will keep your driving privileges and you will also strengthen your case if you are charged with DWI by limiting the amount of evidence the police and prosecutor have to use against you.
Challenging a Field Sobriety Test
It is worth noting that per North Carolina General Statute (N.C.G.S.) 20-139.1(f), where a person charged with DUI refuses to perform field sobriety tests at the request of an officer, evidence of that refusal is admissible in any criminal, civil, or administrative action against that person. Even so, it is important to remember that poor performance on field sobriety tests is one way an officer builds a DUI case against you when charging you with DUI. Without evidence of such poor performance on the SFSTs, the State’s case is undeniably weakened.
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