Your Option to Enter Into a Plea Agreement in Your DWI Case Is Limited
Unfortunately, the ability to enter into a plea bargain in a DWI case in North Carolina is limited. This is because the prosecutor must state detailed facts on why he agreed to a plea agreement in any case involving North Carolina’s implied consent law that requires a driver to submit to a blood or breath test or a DWI charge where the accused’s driver’s license was suspended. The prosecutor must show that the reduction is necessary because justice requires it, or there is inadequate evidence in the case.
How to Increase the Likelihood of a Plea Bargain in Your DWI Case
While the option of entering into a plea agreement is limited in Charlotte, it is not impossible to get the prosecutor and judge to agree to this. The best way to increase your chances of getting a favorable plea bargain is to retain an experienced DWI defense lawyer who can determine your defenses, which you can have even if you believe you are guilty, and mount a strong defense strategy to fight them. He can also advise you whether entering into a plea agreement or fighting to get the charges dismissed is your best option.
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