If you are stopped for driving while intoxicated (DWI), you cannot change the fact that the police are pulling you over or that you may have been drinking before driving. However, there are things that you can do that will protect your rights and make the situation better. There are also actions that you can take that will make what happens next worse. Here, our Charlotte DWI lawyer discusses the best way to handle a police stop when the officer suspects that you have been drinking and driving.
What Should You Do If the Police Pull You Over for a DWI?
When you see a police officer’s flashing red lights behind you, you need to find a place to pull over safely. You will want to turn on your turn signal to let the officer know that you are complying and, if possible, pull over on the right side of the road. Here are tips on how to handle the stop in a way that keeps you safe and does not hurt your potential criminal case:
- Stay in your car. You should stay in your vehicle and turn the engine off. If it is dark outside, turn on your car’s interior light so the officer can see you. Keep your hands on your steering wheel where he can see them.
- Have your documents available. You want to have your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance readily available to hand to the officer when he requests them. You do not want to be reaching into your glove compartment when he is approaching your car because he will not know whether you are reaching for documents or a weapon.
- Avoid sudden and suspicious movements. You want to avoid any sudden or suspicious movements that would make the officer feel the situation is dangerous. This is especially important now with all the news stories about police stops where people have been killed or officers randomly attacked. Even an innocent movement, such as leaning forward, could be interpreted as an attempt to hide something under your car seat or to reach for a gun.
- Be polite and follow instructions. If you are polite and follow the officer’s instructions, your stop will go more smoothly. You are much more likely to be arrested if you are rude or argumentative.
- Watch what you say. You need to be careful not to make incriminating statements or volunteer information. You should never lie as this can hurt you in court. However, you can be silent except to answer questions regarding your name and address. Politely refuse to answer questions about how much you have been drinking.
- Do not agree to take a field sobriety test. You have the right to politely refuse to take a field sobriety test. Even if you have had nothing to drink, it is very likely that you will fail these tests. Taking these tests gives the police officer more ammunition against you to claim that you were intoxicated when driving.
- Decline to perform a portable breath test. You are also not required to take a portable breath test, also referred to as a PBT. These tests are often unreliable, and it is a good strategy to refuse to take one. The police will most likely arrest you, but they will have less incriminating evidence against you.
- Take the test at the police station. Once you are placed under arrest the police officer will take you to the police station and ask you to submit to a breath test. If you are taken to the hospital, the police officer will ask that you allow your blood to be drawn. These tests will provide your alocol concentration and will be used against you in court. You can refuse these tests, however, if you do, in most cases the police officer will get a search warrant and then compel you to provide a sample. Additionally, if you refuse, your driver's license will be suspended for a year. Accordinly, we recommend that you provide a sample, however, if your only concern is not getting convicted, then you should refuse.
- Contact an experienced attorney. As soon as possible after your arrest, you want to retain an experienced DWI defense attorney. He can explain the criminal process to you, build your defense to the charges you face, and fight to get the charges dismissed or reduced so that you face the least possible sentence.