Is Sexual Battery the Same as Sexual Assault?

While sexual battery falls within the general category of sexual assault crimes, it is its own separate crime and does not contain some of the same unwanted sexual actions of more serious offenses. For example, first-degree and second-degree sexual offense crimes include unwanted oral sex on a woman’s genitals, sexual stimulation of a man’s penis, and anal intercourse. The crime of rape in North Carolina requires vaginal penetration. In addition, sexual assault crimes are felonies while sexual battery is a misdemeanor.

Penalties You Could Face If Convicted of Sexual Battery

Sexual battery is a Class A1 misdemeanor in North Carolina. If convicted you could be sentenced to up to 150 days of active, intermediate, or community punishment under the state’s sentencing guidelines. If this is your first offense, your sentence would most likely be for one to 60 days. The level of your punishment would be based on your prior criminal history. Here are the possible sentences for each level:

  • Active. The sentence would be primarily jail time, which could be for up to 150 days.
  • Intermediate. An intermediate punishment could consist of some jail time, but may also include supervised probation. Your sentence could also include enrollment in an alcohol abuse program, community service, and house arrest.
  • Community. A community punishment sentence could include supervised or unsupervised probation, a fine, and other requirements, such as house arrest and community service.

Will You Be Placed on the Sex Offender Registry?

Another harsh penalty of being convicted of sexual battery is that your name would be placed on the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry for between 10 and 30 years. In order to get your name removed from the registry after 10 years, you may have to file a special petition with the court. There is no guarantee that your request would be granted.

C. Todd Browning
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