Convictions for Both DWI & Underage Impaired Driving

To be convicted of DWI, you must be either appreciably impaired or your breath/blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be at least a 0.08. However, if there is any amount of alcohol in your system at all, even if you’re not appreciably impaired and even if your BAC is less than 0.08, you can be convicted of driving after consuming under 21. This means that if your BAC is 0.03 you are not likely to be convicted of DWI, but it is much more likely that you could be convicted of driving after consuming by a person under 21, asssuming that you are under 21 years of age.

The other distinction between these two offenses is your age. That is, you can be convicted of DWI even if you are less than 21 years old. However, to be convicted of driving by a person less than 21 years old after consuming alcohol or drugs, you must be less than 21 years old at the time of the offense.

If you are convicted of both driving by a person less than 21 years old after consuming alcohol or drugs and DWI, there are limitations on the punishment a judge may impose. Namely, the combined punishment for the two convictions cannot be more than maximum punishment allowed for the DWI conviction.

C. Todd Browning
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer