Scope of Limited Driving Privileges

Generally, a limited driving privilege will permit you to drive Monday through Friday from 6AM - 8PM solely for the following essential purposes:

  1. Work
  2. School
  3. Household maintenance
  4. Court-ordered treatment or assessment
  5. Community service as a condition of probation; and
  6. Emergency medical care

If you have non-traditional working hours, you can apply for extended hours upon establishing to a judge that you are in fact required to drive for essential work-related purposes outside of the traditional hours.

In addition to the standard working hours and specific purposes restrictions, there are other limits to your driving privilege as well. To begin, your limited driving privilege does not permit you to drive if you have any amount of alcohol or other controlled substance, unless that controlled substance is lawfully obtained and taken as prescribed, remaining in your body. Additionally, this limited driving privilege does not authorize you to drive a commercial motor vehicle.

If you do violate any of the restrictions of your limited driving privilege, not only will you likely lose your limited license to drive during the period of your revocation, you will also likely be charged with driving while license revoked (DWLR) in violation of N.C.G.S. 20-28.


C. Todd Browning
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer
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