What Should You Do if You Believe You Are Being Investigated?

If you are the subject of a criminal investigation, you have important constitutional rights as a suspect. You must understand and exercise your rights. Here are the steps you should take:

  • Remain silent. You do not have to answer the officer’s questions. You should exercise your right to remain silent. Otherwise, you could make incriminating statements, or the police could trick you into confessing.
  • Stay off social media. Stay off social media sites, and don’t friend people you do not know. You do not want to give the police evidence to justify arresting you.
  • Require a search warrant. In most cases, the police must obtain a search warrant to search you or your property. You should not consent to a search if they do not have a required warrant.
  • Retain an attorney. If you suspect you are being investigated, you should immediately retain a skilled criminal defense lawyer. An attorney can help you during the pre-arrest stage of your criminal case by conducting their own investigation, contacting the police, and representing you during any interrogations.
Howard W. Long, II
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer