What Are the Penalties for Aggressive Driving?
North Carolina uses a complicated sentencing system that considers the seriousness of the offense and the person’s prior criminal record. There are three levels of sentencing:
- Active punishment. This is the most serious level of punishment and includes a jail or prison sentence.
- Intermediate punishment. If sentenced to an intermediate punishment, a defendant would be placed on supervised probation for a period of time and may also be incarcerated in jail before starting the probation.
- Community punishment. Community punishment is the least serious type of sentence. It can include unsupervised probation, house arrest with electronic monitoring, and community service.
The length of the sentence will also depend on the individual’s prior criminal record and what level he is classified at. Here is how long the punishment could be:
- Level 1. If a person has no prior convictions, his sentence would be up to 45 days of community punishment.
- Level 2. A person would be sentenced to an active, intermediate, or community punishment for up to 45 days if he had one to four prior convictions.
- Level 3. If a person had five or more prior convictions, the sentence would be increased to up to 120 days of active, intermediate, or community punishment.
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