Eligibility for Limited Driving Privileges
You are not eligible for limited driving privileges until at least 10 days from the date of your driver’s license suspension. Some of the requirement you must meet for a restricted license to be granted include:
- You must have a valid driver’s license or your license must have been expired for less than a year.
- You must not have been charged with or been convicted of another DWI offense since your arrest.
- You must not have a prior DWI conviction in the last seven years since being charged with the current DWI.
- If your revocation was for 30 days, 10 days must have past since it was revoked. You must wait 30 days if your license was revoked for 45 days.
- You obtained an assessment from an approved mental health facility.
- If you have a prior DWI conviction, you must have been sentenced at a Level 3, 4, or 5.
Additional requirements must be met if you are charged with underage DWI or refused a breath or chemical test.
How to Request Limited Driving Privileges
You will need to file a petition for limited driving privileges with the court and attend a court hearing. If the judge grants your request, you would be permitted to drive Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for work, school, household maintenance, court-ordered treatments, emergency medical care, or community service ordered as part of your probation.
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